2 hours
Departure schedule:
10 Oct - 8 Dec (on Fri+Sun) at 20:00
21, 22, 27, 28 & 30 Dec at 18:00
31 Dec at 16:00
18 Feb at 20:00
20-26 Mar at 21:00
This is a small group tour that requires decent weather and a minimum number of participants in order to operate. In case of a cancellation, we will contact you as soon as possible, but advise you to check our website for updates.
Keep in mind that due to certain terrain challenges, the tour is not advisable for young children or individuals with limited mobility.
The wishing well can be seen (albeit unlit) during regular Viðey ferry operating hours. It is situated on a platform on Heimaey (Home Island), right behind Sjónarhóll hill. While the tower is not lit during the day, the beam can be seen lighting up the night sky from the shores of Reykjavík in the evenings.
Please be sure to dress according to weather! We recommend sturdy footwear, thermal garments, as well as a hat and gloves. We will provide flashlights and crampons if needed.